Friday, October 22, 2010

How to choose a great tie for your wardrobe.

To pick a pie matched to your clothes and the occasion is definitely an art. If you choose a proper tie, you will look attractive and charming. Simply remember these guidelines and you’ll master the art.

How to Buy a Good Tie:

1. Buy a tie with correct length. The standard is 130 – 150 cm. If you are a tall man, you need a longer tie. Try to wear them and it is an appropriate tie length if the triangle tip of the tie touches your belt buckle.
2. Unless you can afford to buy many ties, buy a general width of 8 – 9 cm which will never get out of fashion.
3. While shopping for a tie, you better bring your suit. It will help you imagining how the tie will look when worn. If the jacket is a sport coat, then you should consider the color of the trousers while selecting the tie.
4. Before you pay at the cashier, carefully check the tie for any manufacturing defect. It could be uneven weaving, stain, loose threads, discoloration, smudge, etc.

How to Match a Tie with Clothes and the Occasion:

1. Use silks or silk blend ties if you have a business meeting. You may use a polyester tie when you’re in regular office
2. For job interview, pick a conservative tie. Avoid ties with pictures and cartoons unless your interview is in the fashion or music industry. It is usually best to stay away from ties decorative color with your favorite logo. Just imagine showing up at the job interview with your Chicago Bulls tie around your neck only to see the signed Jason Kidd jersey on the office wall during the interview….And, make sure you know how to tie a tie.
3. You may wear cartoon or pictures tie at informal occasion, like birthday party or a family gathering.
4. Conservative tie for serious occasions would be a solid colored, striped or dotted pattern tie.
5. Match patterns and textures of the clothing with the tie. A light tone tie suits a dark colored shirt. Avoid wearing a striped tie with a striped shirt, with the exception of a pin-striped shirt. You better pick a solid tie instead.
6. Match the color too. A dark shirt suits lighter colored tie and a bright shirt can be relieved by a dark tie. Dark blue and dark red colors seldom go wrong in ties. You can also do gradation by selecting same color of your tie and shirt but in a lighter or darker shade.
7. Some people are aware that their face and skin should affect tie selection. Well, if you have a strong angular face, you should wear striped ties. Dotted and paisley printed ties go well with a round or baby face. Solid worn can be worn by everyone.

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